Clinical Professional Facials with Back Bar Products

Learn how to master essential esthetic skills such as proper skin analysis, deep pore cleansing, micro-exfoliation and hydration, including use of the new Repêchage® Ultrasonic Skin Spatula. Presentation and demonstration.

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Clinical Professional Facials Course

90 Minutes - Includes presentation, demonstration, test assessment with certificate upon successful completion, and access to download PDF of the full step-by-step protocols of featured treatments for future.


Monthly Access
Month long access to live Academy courses as well access to library of recorded 50+ hours of education from the Lydia Sarfati Post-Graduate Skin Care Academy.

24.99 / month

Annual Access (17% Savings)
Year long access to live Academy courses as well access to library of recorded 50+ hours of education from the Lydia Sarfati Post-Graduate Skin Care Academy with bonus premium content.

$249.99 / year