Showing 64 Result(s)

The Difference Between Night Creams & Day Creams

Why are night creams so essential and how do they differ from day creams? During the day our skin is exposed to free radical damage, environmental aggressors such as the sun, pollution and stress.  At night is a time for our bodies and skin to repair and restore itself. That is why it is important …

Repêchage Prepares to be Incorporated into The International College of Aesthetics Curriculum in all Locations

Lydia Sarfati, CEO and Founder of Repêchage is teaming up with Isabel Calleros, consultant /Esthetician and Esthetics School Owner to recreate her curriculum, originally developed in 1997 with National Aesthetics Institute. The school will incorporate Repêchage treatments and products into their salon, spa and clinical program. The pair was destined to find themselves working together …

Skin Care Training >> Exclusive Interview: Yolanda Amador – Leading Spa Consultant Talks About Spa Projects & More

We’ve got a very special video for you today from the Repêchage Annual Skin Care Train The Trainer Program – Maximizing Spa And Salon Business! Yolanda Amador, Repechage Distributor for Mexico, Spa Consultant for leading Resort and Destination Spas and a spa owner, sits down with Repechage for an exclusive interview. httpvh:// She discusses Award-Winning spa projects …