Showing 64 Result(s)

How to Refresh Your Summer Menu with Summer Inspired Treatments

Nothing says summer more than a thick wedge of cool watermelon or a strawberry daiquiri at the beach. But there is more to these than fun in the surf and (protected) sun. Traditional summer fruits such as watermelon and strawberries are rich in nutrients that have great potential benefits not only internally, but when combined with the …

Skincare Benefits of LED with EMS versus using Microcurrent

According to Mintel, in the US, 75% of female consumers currently use, or are interested in trying, a skin care device. These electronic implements can have  multiple of benefits to the skin, including helping boost the efficacy of the products used during the treatment, and helping to stimulate the surface skin layers. Not all devices …

Treating Compromised Skin: Proper Protocols for Safety and Efficacy

Dry compromised skin can affect large sections of the population, including aging skin, environmentally affected skin, skin that has undergone aggressive esthetic treatments, and those suffering from side-effects from cancer treatments.  Safety, efficacy and the correct manual manipulation of the skin are key factors in treating dry, compromised skin.  Here, we’ll look at the correct …

The Importance of pH in Skin Care and the Skin Barrier

As a professional esthetician, understanding pH and its effects on the skin is an integral part of education.  Studies have shown that pH is not only an important factor in skin health, but may be one of the most key factors to understand. “Skin pH is one of the important physiological parameters of the skin. …

Power Up Your Facial Treatments with LED Technology

Many estheticians globally are now using the Repêchage LED Radio Frequency and EMS Skin Tightening Machine both in their practice as well as teaching their clients how to use the device at home to power up the efficacy of the sustainably-harvested, seaweed-based Repêchage treatments and products. Many estheticians have found this very useful during this …

Solutions for AGEs and Summer Skin 

With the summer season and the allure of sugary treats upon us, like ice cream and s’mores, it’s important to remember how diet can affect the skin, and to find solutions to counteract deleterious effects. One detrimental factor of sugar is the formation of Advanced Glycation End products. Advanced Glycation End products or AGEs, are …

Myth Busting: Massage Techniques for Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin can benefit greatly from the enhanced experience of facial massage yet may be the one skin type that estheticians are hesitant to massage. Massage during facials benefits the client’s skin in many ways.  Using massage helps cleanse the skin of impurities and soften sebum.  It also helps manually slough off dead skin cells.  …