Massage from Around the World

Advanced massage techniques are key to upgrading your services to create a holistic experience with visible results. Join Repêchage® CEO and Founder Lydia Sarfati for this 90 minute master class, where she demonstrates her world-renowned massage techniques honed from her 46 years of experience as a licensed esthetician based on traditions from around the world. Here, you will learn:
– The Lydia Sarfati massage method of Swedish massage for lifting and firming the appearance of the skin
– Ayurvedic Kansa Wand massage for balancing menopausal skin
– Silver Ball Massage in conjunction with the Repêchage Red-Out Facial for sensitive skin to reduce the appearance of redness and irritation

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VIRTUAL MASTER CLASS: Massage from Around the World
90-minute interactive virtual business class and workshop with Repêchage Founder and CEO Lydia Sarfati.


Monthly Access
Month long access to live Academy courses as well access to library of recorded 50+ hours of education from the Lydia Sarfati Post-Graduate Skin Care Academy.

24.99 / month

Annual Access (17% Savings)
Year long access to live Academy courses as well access to library of recorded 50+ hours of education from the Lydia Sarfati Post-Graduate Skin Care Academy with bonus premium content.

$249.99 / year