Striking the Right Balance: Hormones and the Skin

Hormonal changes can affect women and men at any time of their life, and can cause significant changes in the skin, including dark spots and hyperpigmentation, dryness and hair growth. In this virtual Master Class, Repêchage CEO and Founder Lydia Sarfati will provide information and live demonstration on the latest information and techniques to help alleviate these skin care concerns, including treatment for dryness, dark spots, and waxing techniques for facial hair for men and women. In this presentation, you will:- Learn the importance of hormones and how it affects all bodily functions and the skin, especially during perimenopause.

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– Learn how hormonal imbalance leads to hyperpigmentation, dryness, and excess facial hair: with women hair growth on the face, lips, and chin. With men, growth is in nose, ears, and brows.
– Learn the significance of collagen and elastin, the “cellular glue” that is lost in 1% increments on an annual basis after you turn 20, that contributes to the appearance of aging in the skin.
– The latest science on causes of pigmentary problems, and ingredients, such as glutathione and advanced Seaweeds, to help address these concerns.
– How to offer exceptional facials including the Repêchage Biolight® Miracle Facial with Glyco-Sea® Glycolic Peel and the Repêchage Biolight® Luminex Mask to reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles.
– Learn how to implement the new Seaweed Mineral Hard Wax for facial hair removal in men and women.

VIRTUAL MASTER CLASS: Striking the Right Balance: Hormones and the Skin
30-minute presentation and 60 minute demonstration with Repêchage Founder and CEO Lydia Sarfati.


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Year long access to live Academy courses as well access to library of recorded 50+ hours of education from the Lydia Sarfati Post-Graduate Skin Care Academy with bonus premium content.

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